Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019

Betsy's Auburn Auburn Hair

Driving through the night
Rings of crystal, crystal light
Every gulp of the warm suburb air
Betsy's auburn, auburn hair

Betsy - Big Thief

I can hardly remember how I discovered this song until now it's on the top of my playlist. It makes my mind wander. I am driving in a dark road in the middle of the night. Windows down. Going nowhere. To somewhere new. Fear. Anger. Disappointment. Laziness. Numbness. Carry them all on the backseat. Let the night take care of them. All's been said and done. No way to take it back.

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019


Optimisme adalah hal yang jarang ditemukan pada orang-orang yang telah mengalami cobaan bertubi-tubi.
Akan tetapi, Mama saya selalu menyelipkan selembar optimisme di setiap percakapan kami. 
Di kuah sup ayam dan nasi putih hangat yang beliau siapkan, selalu ada optimisme yang walapun terasa tipis, tapi ia tidak pernah benar-benar musnah.


I asked God to remove my feelings for you if this is not going to work. My friends are now tired of listening to my stories. I am still me w...